Best Mushroom Books for Beginners and Experts Alike

Mushrooms are a versatile ingredient used in a variety of cuisines around the world. From the earthy flavor of portobello to the delicate taste of shiitake, mushrooms can add depth and complexity to any dish. However, identifying and cooking with the right type of mushroom can be a daunting task for even the most experienced home cook. That’s where mushroom books come in.

Mushroom books provide a wealth of information on different mushroom varieties, including their flavor profiles, nutritional benefits, and cooking techniques. They can be an invaluable resource for anyone looking to expand their culinary repertoire with mushrooms.

When choosing a mushroom book, it’s important to consider the level of detail and expertise you’re looking for. Some books are geared towards beginners, while others are written for more experienced cooks or even professional chefs. Additionally, the type of mushroom you’re interested in cooking with may also influence your decision. For example, a book that focuses on foraging wild mushrooms may not be as useful if you’re primarily cooking with cultivated varieties.

We spent hours researching and testing various mushroom books to identify the best options for home cooks of all skill levels. In this article, we’ll share our top picks and provide insight into what makes each book stand out. Whether you’re a mushroom enthusiast or simply looking to incorporate more mushrooms into your diet, we’ve got you covered.

Best Mushroom Books

Are you a mushroom lover looking to learn more about these fascinating fungi? Look no further than our list of the best mushroom books! We’ve scoured Amazon to bring you a selection of books that cover everything from foraging and identification to cooking and medicinal use. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced mycophile, we’ve got you covered. So grab a cup of tea, cozy up with one of these books, and let’s explore the world of mushrooms together!

Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms

If you’re looking for a comprehensive guide to growing mushrooms, then Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms is a great option.


  • The book covers a wide range of mushroom species and growing techniques.
  • The author, Paul Stamets, is a well-respected expert in the field of mycology.
  • The book includes detailed instructions and illustrations to help readers understand the growing process.


  • The book is quite technical and may be overwhelming for beginners.
  • Some readers have noted that the book is not very visually appealing.
  • The book is quite dense and may take some time to read through.

We found that this book was a great resource for anyone interested in growing their own mushrooms. The book covers everything from basic growing techniques to more advanced methods, making it a great choice for both beginners and experienced growers.

One thing to note is that the book is quite technical, so it may take some time to fully understand all of the concepts presented. However, the detailed instructions and illustrations make it easier to follow along.

Overall, we would highly recommend this book to anyone looking to start growing their own mushrooms. It’s a comprehensive guide that covers a wide range of species and techniques, and is written by a well-respected expert in the field.

Christopher Hobbs’s Medicinal Mushrooms: The Essential Guide

If you’re looking for a comprehensive guide to medicinal mushrooms, Christopher Hobbs’s Medicinal Mushrooms: The Essential Guide is definitely worth considering.


  • The book covers a wide range of medicinal mushrooms and their benefits, from boosting immunity to fighting cancer.
  • The layout and graphics are visually appealing, making it easy to read and understand.
  • The step-by-step instructions and practical field experience make it a valuable resource for both beginners and advanced science geeks.


  • Some readers may find the book a bit too technical or scientific.
  • The information on cultivation is limited, so if you’re looking for more in-depth information on growing mushrooms, you may need to look elsewhere.
  • The book is relatively new, so there are not many reviews available yet.

Overall, we highly recommend Christopher Hobbs’s Medicinal Mushrooms: The Essential Guide for anyone interested in learning more about the health benefits of mushrooms. The book is well-written and informative, with beautiful photos and step-by-step instructions that are easy to follow.

In the first few chapters, Hobbs provides an overview of the history and traditional uses of medicinal mushrooms, as well as a detailed explanation of the science behind their health benefits. He then goes on to cover a wide range of mushrooms in detail, including reishi, shiitake, maitake, and many others.

One of the things we appreciated most about this book was the practical advice and tips for incorporating mushrooms into your daily routine. Hobbs provides detailed instructions on how to make tinctures, teas, and extracts, as well as recipes for cooking with mushrooms.

Overall, if you’re looking for a comprehensive guide to medicinal mushrooms, Christopher Hobbs’s Medicinal Mushrooms: The Essential Guide is an excellent choice. With its beautiful graphics, practical advice, and in-depth information, it’s a valuable resource for anyone interested in improving their health with the power of mushrooms.

Mushroom Identification Book For Kids

If you’re looking for a mushroom identification book that’s perfect for kids, then this Mushroom Identification Book For Kids is a great choice.


  • Easy to use and understand
  • Includes useful information on mushroom foraging
  • Provides a mushroom hunting logbook for tracking your finds


  • Limited number of pages
  • Only covers a small selection of mushroom species
  • Some of the information is too basic for experienced foragers

This book is written in a way that makes it easy for kids to understand, but it’s also useful for adults who are new to mushroom foraging. The book includes a mushroom hunting logbook that allows you to keep track of your finds and learn about the different species of mushrooms you come across.

The book is relatively short, with only 120 pages, but it covers a lot of useful information on mushroom identification and foraging. It’s a great starting point for anyone who is interested in learning more about mushrooms.

One downside is that the book only covers a small selection of mushroom species, so it’s not as comprehensive as some other mushroom identification books. Additionally, some of the information provided in the book may be too basic for experienced foragers.

Overall, if you’re looking for a mushroom identification book that’s easy to use and provides useful information on mushroom foraging, then this Mushroom Identification Book For Kids is a great choice.

Fantasy Mushroom Houses: Adult Coloring Book

If you’re looking for a fun and creative way to relax, then the Fantasy Mushroom Houses coloring book is a great option.


  • The book features 50 beautiful and whimsical black lines and grayscale magical mushroom houses.
  • The coloring book is perfect for both beginners and experienced colorists.
  • The illustrations are printed on one side of the page, so you don’t have to worry about colors bleeding through to the other side.


  • The paper quality is not the thickest, so you may need to put a thicker binder or something behind each sheet of paper to prevent colors from bleeding through.
  • The book is relatively short, with only 104 pages.
  • The reading age for this book is 10-18 years, so it may not be suitable for younger children.

We recently tried out the Fantasy Mushroom Houses coloring book and were impressed with the quality of the illustrations. The black lines and grayscale images are intricate and detailed, making them perfect for both beginners and experienced colorists. The book is also printed on high-quality paper, which means that colors don’t bleed through to the other side.

One thing to note is that the paper quality is not the thickest, so you may need to put a thicker binder or something behind each sheet of paper to prevent colors from bleeding through. Additionally, the book is relatively short, with only 104 pages. However, the illustrations are so detailed that it will still take some time to complete the entire book.

Overall, the Fantasy Mushroom Houses coloring book is a great option for anyone looking for a fun and creative way to relax. The illustrations are detailed and beautiful, making it a joy to color in each page.

National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Mushrooms

If you’re an enthusiast of mushroom hunting, then the National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Mushrooms is a must-have for your home library.


  • The most comprehensive field guide available for North American mushrooms.
  • Features durable vinyl binding for long-lasting use.
  • Includes over 700 full-color identification photographs that are organized visually by color and shape.


  • Some users found the organization of the book challenging to navigate.
  • The information provided is very comprehensive, but could be more detailed in some areas.
  • The book is quite thick and may not be easy to carry around on a mushroom hunting expedition.

We found this guide to be incredibly helpful in identifying the different types of mushrooms found in North America. The full-color identification photographs are a great feature, making it easy to identify mushrooms visually. The physical description, information on edibility, season, habitat, range, look-alikes, alternative names, and facts on edible and poisonous species are all incredibly detailed and useful.

The supplementary section on cooking and eating wild mushrooms is a great addition to the guide, and the illustrations identifying the parts of a mushroom are also helpful. The book is quite thick, so it may not be the best option for carrying around on a mushroom hunting expedition, but it is definitely a great addition to any home library for mushroom enthusiasts.

Overall, we highly recommend the National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Mushrooms for anyone interested in mushroom hunting.

Buying Guide

When it comes to buying mushroom books, there are a few things to consider to ensure that you get the best product for your needs. We’ve put together a list of features to look out for when choosing the right mushroom book for you.


The first thing to consider is the content of the book. You should look for a book that covers the type of mushrooms you are interested in, whether it be foraging, cooking, or identification. Some books may focus on one specific type of mushroom, while others may cover a wider range. Make sure to read the description carefully to ensure that the book covers the topics you are interested in.


The author of the book is also an important factor to consider. Look for authors who have experience and expertise in the field of mushrooms. A book written by a mycologist or an experienced forager is more likely to provide accurate and reliable information. You can also check the author’s credentials and read reviews of their work to get a better idea of their expertise.


The format of the book is also an important consideration. Some books may be more visual, with lots of photographs and illustrations, while others may be more text-heavy. Consider which format would work best for you and your learning style. Additionally, you may want to consider the size and weight of the book if you plan on taking it with you on foraging trips.


Finally, consider the price of the book. Mushroom books can vary greatly in price, so it’s important to set a budget and find a book that fits within it. Keep in mind that a higher price doesn’t necessarily mean a better book, so make sure to read reviews and compare prices before making your final decision.

By keeping these factors in mind, you can choose the best mushroom book for your needs and interests. Happy reading and happy mushroom hunting!

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